I have hand-drawn “counterfeit” scratch-off tickets for this socially engaged project. As a prize, each “Scratcher” has a unique message that pertains to the experiences and simple pleasures of the local community as told by residents and shop owners. Through short prose and drawn symbols, the scratch-off tickets will direct the participant’s attention to local sites and people’s experiences in and around the neighborhood. These lottery tickets were being given out for free with other Lottery purchases or upon request from few of the culturally engaged stores in Oakland’s Lake Merritt and Temescal districts, and San Francisco’s Mission and Western Addition districts. Each district has its own ticket design and eight unique “prizes.” The intention is to transform an instant of personal focus into a moment of contemplation about the local environment, community, and culture. Over three thousand tickets were given away over the course of the project. This project was done in collaboration with Southern Exposure Gallery as part of their yearlong “Off-Site” programming.
You can watch a short video on the project through this link